
  • Ieva Dzērvīte Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)




advertisement, direct marketing, marketing communications


Research of marketing communications of "Raunas Bruģakmens" LTD. Research problem “Raunas Bruģakmens” LTD does not use all types of marketing communication availabilities to the company effectively. Detailed planning of marketing communications can help a company to make marketing activities more targeted and with a higher potential return, which can bring positive results to new customers. Purpose of the research: to study the work, activities and marketing communications offers of "Raunas Bruģakmens" LTD. Marketing communication and its management are being tested. The marketing communication processes of "Raunas Bruģakmens" LTD are described and evaluated. After analysing the existing marketing communications plans, the author compiled several applications and made proposals for the Raunas Bruģakmens marketing communications plan for 2021. The theoretical literature was used, as well as periodicals. "Raunas Bruģakmens" LTD has no published materials and research articles on marketing planning processes.



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Economics and Management