Civil Law, Land Book, property rights, purchase agreement, real estate, sworn notaryAbstract
“Rights to property are an important element of human’s fundamental rights. They are determined not only by the national law and the constitution, but also in the international law.” Purchase agreement is one of the most widespread and the most important agreements. Concluding an agreement, satisfaction of economical needs is implemented – goods exchange, service provision, property transfer and other actions. In the last ten years, number of transactions with real estate property has considerably increased, at the same time violations with transactions of real estate property have also increased. The reason of violations of transactions with real estate property is incompetence and lack of information, as quite often people deal with property purchase and selling independently, without asking competent persons to close a transaction. The aim of the research is to study analysis of legislation acts that govern purchase deal realization is made in work; imperfections of current legislation are defined, as well as prepared offers in order to improve immovable property purchase deals realization governing legislation so that it could be possible to solve problems concerning immovable property purchase agreement conclusion and registration in Land Registry.Downloads
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