
  • Marin Marinov Technical University - Gabrovo, Department of Industrial Design and Textile Engineering (BG)



eight axial lever mechanisms, metric syntheses at far-off positions, marginal synthesis, function of the position


The author has developed the algorithm for the synthesis of eight kinematic structures to generate random function of the positions by given n-number approximate nodes. Synthesis was performed at extreme distances at n≤6. In practice, an approximate synthesis is proposed, with the error being zero only in the approximate nodes, and in the remaining points the error is plotted graphically. According to preset 6 approximate nodes we determine the metric parameters of a family of mechanisms from which we choose the optimal (with the least relative error in the movement of the executive unit). The determination of the position, speed and acceleration function of the executive unit is shown graphically. To establish the authenticity of synthesis is an example.



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How to Cite

M. Marinov, “SYNTHESIS OF EIGHT MIDDLE LOST MECHANISMS FINALLY DISCHARGED DISCREET POSITIONS”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 435–439, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol2.8067.