
  • Roberts Volkovičs Modelling of sociotechnical systems, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LV)
  • Viesturs Bambāns Modelling of sociotechnical systems, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LV)
  • Ginta Majore Modelling of sociotechnical systems, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LV)




Road Traffic safety, Digital Twins, Open data, Environmental data


In this article, the critical factors of the road traffic safety in rural areas are reviewed. The critical factors and related information from open data and environmental data are analysed and the meta model is created for processing of road traffic safety data in rural areas. Later on the basis of meta model the Digital Twin is created that could be used for an improvement of the traffic safety on the rural area roads in Latvia. An open data analysis is performed that concludes the opportunities to improve the potential of Latvian traffic accident open data.

Supporting Agencies
European Commission, Research Executive Agency grant number 101079206, “Twinning in Environmental Data and Dynamical Systems Modelling for Latvia” (TED4LAT).


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How to Cite

R. Volkovičs, V. Bambāns, and G. Majore, “ENVIRONMENTAL DATA AND DIGITAL TWINS FOR ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY IN RURAL AREAS”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 317–323, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol2.8012.