
  • Silviya Salapateva Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch (BG)
  • Iliya Chetrokov Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch (BG)
  • Bano Stefanov Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch (BG)



pure/actual/finish milling, complex surfaces, CNC machine tool, optimization


The idle running times of the working units of a machine tool are the sum of the idle running times for the tool change and for changing the section uder treatment. The time, spent on idle running is the extra machining time. A large number of milling cutters are used for purely mechanical machining of details with complex surfaces and for a significant number of machined sections, where the complex surface is broken as a rule. This leads to an increase in the extra time for treatment. Reducing the auxiliary time in machining the parts will significantly increase the productivity of the actual milling process. When modeling the process of machining details with complex surfaces on triaxial milling machines, the optimization of the sequence of moves will allow to reduce the idle running time by up to 50% without causing deterioration in the quality of the surface layer.

Supporting Agencies
The results were obtained under a project funded by the research grant at TU –Sofia -contract № 222ПД0021-24 – Optimization of the parameters of technological processes for mechanical machining on CNC machines by means of digital models.



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How to Cite

S. Salapateva, I. Chetrokov, and B. Stefanov, “ALGORITHM FOR OPTIMIZATION OF IDLE TOOL MOVES WHEN MILLING COMPLEX SURFACES ON A TRIAXIAL CNC MILLING MACHINE”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 226–232, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2023vol3.7193.