
  • Sergei Verteshev Pskov State University,Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Power Engineering (RU)
  • Vladimir Konevtsov Pskov State University, Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Power Engineering (RU)



closed loop digital control, corrective digital device, direct digital control, proportional-integral-derivative controller


This article provides the functionality of creating direct digital control devices in the computer-aided design of digital automatic control systems (CAD of digital ACS), in a complex of software design of digital control systems (SDSDC complex) for automated process control systems. Technical tools are defined by the international standard IEC 61131-1: 2003 (Part 1: General data). The possibility of implementing SDSDC complex in direct digital control, single-cycle and multi-cycle ladder diagrams, identification of objects of management and synthesis of digital controllers in comparison with the international standard IEC 61131-3: 2003 (Part 3: Programming Languages) are evaluated. Users’ productivity is estimated as well as the possibility of its separation between the users at different stages of the design of digital systems of automatic control is assessed.
Supporting Agencies
The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Tatyana Klets, Deputy Dean of Engineering and Construction Technologies Faculty of Pskov State University, for her invaluable foreign language assistance and supportive comments.


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How to Cite

S. Verteshev and V. Konevtsov, “DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL IN A COMPLEX OF SOFTWARE DESIGN OF DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 337–342, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol3.2536.