border security, European border and coast guard, integrated border management, interoperabilityAbstract
The purpose of the study is to create methodological tools, practical recommendations, draft regulatory documents and technical solutions for evaluating and ensuring the legal, organizational, semantic and technical interoperability of the border security system of Ukraine with a similar system of the European Union in the context of acquiring compliance with the requirements of European security standards (in particular, the priorities of the European Border and Coast Guard and its Agency Frontex), taking into account the differentiated conditions of the security environment of Ukraine and observance of recognized human rights; development of capabilities and improvement of the effectiveness of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and other subjects of the integrated border management of Ukraine to ensure the inviolability of the state border and protection of the sovereign rights of Ukraine in its adjacent zone and exclusive (maritime) economic zone; increasing the efficiency of the management of the external borders of the European Union and its associated members in accordance with the goals defined, in particular Security Union Strategy [COM (2020) 795 final.], New Pact on Migration and Asylum [COM (2020) 609 final.], Strategy on the Schengen Area [COM (2021) 277 final.], Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard, Technical and operational strategy for European integrated border management.
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