biometrics, identification, fingerprints, processing, verificationAbstract
The authors of the paper explores the content of the qualification improvement course “The use of the AFIS and Eurodac systems” implemented in the State Border Guard College of the Republic of Latvia, the questionnaires given to the course participants in order to develop the guidelines for more effective processing of biometric data with main focus to the fingerprinting. The paper is aimed to identify the possibilities of improving the border guards’ professional background in performing fingerprinting. The research was done in the State Border Guard College of the Republic of Latvia (State Border Guard College Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2022). For this purpose analysis and evaluation of documents and officials work experience were performed and suggestions for the improvement of border guard fingerprinting methods were compiled. The author concludes that the effectiveness of biometric data processing depends not only on technology but also on the human factor - the knowledge, skills and professionalism of border officials. Therefore, continuous training and professional development is an integral part of the successful processing and use of biometric data in the national security system. The author recommends SBGC to invest in modern technologies and equipment to ensure efficient and accurate biometric identification technology processing.
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