
  • Rita Burceva Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



archival system, archives as memory institutions in Bulgaria, development


Both Latvian and foreign researchers emphasise the importance of memory institutions (libraries, archives, museums, etc.) in the development of the world view of the public and the basic understanding of cultural values, and a document, which is a primary information carrier in the time and space, is a significant element of culture. The different history of development of various states determined the different peculiarities of the archive systems and their functions in the past and up to nowadays. Studying the specifics of development of archive systems in other countries gives us basis for gaining new experiences and developing cooperation, adopting the positive experience and seeking opportunities to provide access to the documentary heritage for the public needs. The purpose of the research – to study and describe the historical context for the development of the Bulgarian state archives. The object of the research – the peculiarities of development of activity of the state archives of the Republic of Bulgaria. During the course of research the materials collected by researchers of the history of Bulgaria were summarised, some monographs and research papers in professional publications by the archive science specialists were used. The historical origin of the development of Bulgarian archives is directly linked with the important role of Byzantium during the interregnum between the antique and medieval culture in Europe and Middle East. In 1952 the Central State Archive of History, the Central State Archive of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and regional state archives in the centres of 12 administrative regions. Following the administrative territorial reform from 1959–1963 there was a total of 12 state regional archives established in Bulgaria. During the period between 1961 and 1992 the regional archives are under the direct supervision of municipalities/ people’s councils. In 1974 the third archive – the Central State Technical Archive was established.

It can be concluded that regardless of the fact that in the 20th century the existent principles and methods of activity of archives in Russia were introduced in the archive activity in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, the different historical context of the development of various states determined different public attitude towards the preserved documentary heritage in the country, providing access to it and the assessment of the significance of the information included and facts described in the documents.


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How to Cite

Burceva, R. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVE SYSTEM IN BULGARIA. ARTS AND MUSIC IN CULTURAL DISCOURSE. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 9-17.