The Creative Activity of Textile Lecturers as an Aspect of Professional Competence Development and its Impact on Study Process
creative activity in textile, home economics and technologies, professional competences, textile lecturersAbstract
The creative activity of lecturers teaching textile course of studies is an essential aspect of professional competence development, which acquires a special meaning in context of lifelong learning. The purpose of this study is to analyse, how the creative activity of lecturers improves their own professional competences as well as influences and motivates the creative activity of students during the process of acquisition of textile course of studies. The following research methods have been applied: case study, survey (N=36). The study analyses the impact of creative activity of lecturers on study process in nine textile courses of studies, the choice of graduation paper subject and its development as well as students’ opinion about application of visual aids in the process of textile acquisition. Results of the study suggest that the prospective students of home economics and technologies in most cases are aware of the fact that it is very important for the textile pedagogue to create his / her own textiles in order to motivate pupils. Students appreciate the creative activity of lecturers and draw inspiration from their creative works.References
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