Cultural and educational environment of the school textbook
school textbook, a representant culture, linguocultural approach, linguocultural competenceAbstract
The Objective is to identify the role of the textbook as a representant of culture, to determine the main directions of linguistic and cultural approach based on the published educational texts. The research subject is the Belarusian language textbooks for the third stage (10-11 forms) of general secondary education in the Republic of Belarus that reflect the current level of the Belarusian people linguistic and cultural development. Methods: linguocultural analysis of linguistic material, synthesis and interpretation of linguo- methodological theory and pedagogical experience. At the present stage, the tutorial not only introduces basic linguistic notions to students (terms, definitions, rules, literary standards, etc.), but also acts as a means of presenting and teaching native and other cultures. In the context of the study, the tutorial is considered to be a representant of culture, a field of cross- cultural and educational environment. Linguocultural approach to language teaching is treated as a set of ways and means to transmit cultural values inscribed in the linguistic units (words with the national- cultural component, proper names, idioms, proverbs, aphorisms, symbols of national culture, precedent texts) through a system of educational texts.References
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