The article, based on the theoretical and practical analysis of military discipline infringement proceedings the military, identified the shortcomings of the legal framework in Latvia, when the rules allows an interested party in the investigation commission and does not exclude a conflict of interest situation that poses a significant soldier breaches disciplinary context. To prevent them, it is necessary to supplement the Military Service Act of 15. the first subparagraph of Article 5 of the Rules of Procedure and the Military Service Regulations, to establish the ban on the soldier from the performance of the activities related to the office of illegally using his official position or conflict of interest, and amendment of the National guard soldiers and military discipline of the Rules of Procedure 83. point and to specify that, if the performer of the investigation is, directly or indirectly, interested in the outcome of the internal investigation, or there are other circumstances which prevent the internal investigation, he is obliged to submit a report to the commander (superior officer).Downloads
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