
  • Iveta Dembovska Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Inese Silicka Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



Cluster, regional competitiveness of tourism cluster, tourism cluster


One of the approaches to development of the tourism industry at the regional level, based of market rules and principles are creation and development of tourism clusters. Clusters span numerous different companies, contribute to more efficient solution of socio–economic problems in the country as a whole, and in certain regions. Clusters centre around different companies, which have not cooperated in the past, to encourage their development. The cluster approach should make radical changes to content of the tourism development policy; it means that there is a need to promote and develop the system of relationships between economic operators and the national authorities rather to support individual companies or industries. Practically it enables creation and implementation of large trans–sectoral and interregional investment and innovation projects.


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