
  • Dana Veselova Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija (LV)
  • Rasma Tretjakova Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija (LV)




wood ash, ash impacts, concrete with ash admixture


Biomass as a source of energy will reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, but at the same time, we add value to countries where biomass fuel sources are just beginning to thrive, in addition to providing renewable energy sources. Biomass energy is recognized as an important component in many countries, as future energy scenario and could contribute significantly to the economic, social situation and environmental objectives. Therefore, the emphasis on biomass as an alternative to fossil fuels has increased in recent times. Research has been conducted for the determination of ash wood, wood ash adding soil, wood ash addition of concrete, but to results subdivisions include information on the quantity of wood ash, wood ash for the soil, concrete strength and determination of wood pellets ash compression.


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ISO 10390:2005 Soilquality – Determinationof pH

ISO 11265:1994 Soilquality – Determination of the specific electrical conductivity

LVS CEN/TS 14775 “Cietās biodegvielas. Pelnu satura noteikšanas metode”

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Norström Sara H., Bylund Dan, Vestin Jenny L.K., Lundström Ulla S., Initial effects of wood ash application to soil and soil solution chemistryin a small, boreal catchment, Geoderma, Volumes 187–188, October 2012

Nunes L.J.R., Matias J.C.O., Catalão J.P.S., Biomass combustion systems: A review on the physical and chemical properties of the ashes, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Volume 53, January 2016

Singh B., Rahman M.R., Paswan R., Bhattacharyya S.K., Effect of activator concentration on the strength, ITZ and drying shrinkage of fly ash/slag geopolymer concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 118, 15 August 2016

Stanislav V. Vassilev, Christina G. Vassileva, Composition, properties and challenges of algae biomass for biofuel application: An overview, Fuel Volume 181, 1 October 2016

Yliniemi Juho, Nugteren Henk, Illikainen Mirja, Tiainen Minna, Weststrate Rick, Niinimäki Jouko, Lightweight aggregates produced by granulation of wood fly ash with alkali activator, International Journal of Mineral Processing Volume 149, 10 April 2016

Wang Xiao-Yong, Park Ki-Bong, Analysis of compressive strength development of concrete containing high volume fly ash, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 98, 15 November 2015






Environmental protection, engineering

How to Cite

D. Veselova and R. Tretjakova, “EXPERIMENTAL JUSTIFICATION USE OF WOOD ASH”, HET, no. 21, pp. 260–267, Apr. 2017, doi: 10.17770/het2017.21.3573.