The Chemical Content Of Different Energy Crops


  • L. Poiša Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)
  • A. Adamovičs Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)
  • L. Antipova Mykolayiv State Agrarian University (UA)
  • G. Šiaudinis Vėžaičiai branch of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LT)
  • D. Karčauskienė Vėžaičiai branch of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LT)
  • R. Platače Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)
  • A. Žukauskaitė Klaipėda University (LT)
  • S. Malakauskaitė Klaipėda University (LT)
  • Ē. Teirumnieka Rezeknes Augstskola (LV)



chemicals elements, energy crops


The paper presents the data of gaseous and alkali elements in above-ground biomass of energy crops. The investigations objects were Phalaris arundinacea L., Populus nigra, Artemisia vulgaris, Sylphium perfoliatum, Sida hermaphrodita, Dactylis glomerata, Salix viminalis, Medicago sativia L. The aim of the research: to evaluate the amount of chemical elements in energy crops. Evaluating the energy crops it can be seen, that the most alkaline metals are contained in Sida hermaphrodita, and the least in Sylphium perfoliatum L.


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How to Cite

L. Poiša, “The Chemical Content Of Different Energy Crops”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 191–196, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.913.