Concrete Sawing Waste Recycling As Microfiller in Concrete Production


  • G. Bumanis Riga Technical University (LV)
  • G. Shakhmenko Riga Technical University (LV)
  • P. Kara Riga Technical University (LV)
  • A. Korjakins Riga Technical University (LV)



concrete sawing waste, sludge water, compressive strength


The main idea of the presented work is to find the ways of recycling the sawing waste/sludge in production of the new concrete. The aim of the study is to examine application of the dust-water suspension as micro filler in self-compacting concrete. In the process of sawing concrete elements a lot of dust waste is produced, the average amount being approximately 0.5-1% of the total amount of concrete. To avoid dust pollution in a production plant the sawing process is accompanied by a water stream, as a result, concrete dust as dust-water suspension is stored in special reservoirs. Recycling of such concrete dust suspension and its utilization as a material pose a significant challenge.


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How to Cite

G. Bumanis, G. Shakhmenko, P. Kara, and A. Korjakins, “Concrete Sawing Waste Recycling As Microfiller in Concrete Production”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 346–352, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.887.