Influence of Heat Treatment and the Coefficient of Friction on the Volume of Metal Removed During Grinding Steel 35


  • Igor Nikiforov Pskov state university (RU)
  • Pavel Maltsev Pskov state university (RU)



abrasive grain, the front surface, depth of cut, heat treatment, microstructure, hardness, coefficient of friction


The role of external friction and chip contraction during microcutting by abrasive grain is showed. The method for determining the relative change in the coefficient of friction during grinding is proposed. The hypothesis about the influence of physical and mechanical properties and microstructure of steel 35 on the volume removes metal through the change in the coefficient of sliding friction of the chip by face of the abrasive grain is experimentally proved.


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How to Cite

I. Nikiforov and P. Maltsev, “Influence of Heat Treatment and the Coefficient of Friction on the Volume of Metal Removed During Grinding Steel 35”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 72–78, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2013vol2.861.