
  • Sharif E. Guseynov Faculty of Science and Engineering, Liepaja University (LV)
  • Janis Rimshans Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies Liepaja University (LV)
  • Jekaterina V. Aleksejeva Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies, Liepaja University (LV)
  • Aleksandrs Bereznojs ISMA University of Applied Sciences (LV)
  • Stanislavs Pleiksnis Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)




Composite sapropel-hemp slab, temperature field, mathematical model


In this paper, a 3D mathematical model is proposed to determine the dynamics of the temperature field in a three-layer composite sapropel-hemp slab. The proposed model consists of a system of three initial-boundary value problems with respect to the temperature function for each layer, respectively, and one initial-boundary value problem with respect to the unknown velocity of heat propagation along the thickness dimension of the composite sapropel-hemp slab.



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How to Cite

S. E. Guseynov, J. Rimshans, J. V. Aleksejeva, A. Bereznojs, and S. Pleiksnis, “3D MATHEMATICAL MODEL CHARACTERIZING THE DYNAMICS OF THE TEMPERATURE FIELD OF A WALL STRUCTURE WITH A DOUBLE-SIDED FACING FROM A SAPROPEL-HEMP COMPOSITE MATERIAL”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 95–103, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.17770/etr2021vol3.6648.