
  • Yury Zhuravlev Department of Road Construction, Pskov State University (RU)
  • Andrey Perminov Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems, Pskov State University (RU)
  • Yury Lukyanov Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems, Pskov State University (RU)
  • Sergey Tikhonov Department of Mechanics and Motor Trantsport Service, Pskov State University (RU)
  • Alexander Ilyin Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems, Pskov State University (RU)



lever-cam motion converter, power generation system, rotary engine


The article discusses methods for constructing piston outer profile for the rotary type expansion machine in order to reduce unwanted (parasitic) volumes and offers options for constructing outer profile of piston using analytical and geometric methods.


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How to Cite

Y. Zhuravlev, A. Perminov, Y. Lukyanov, S. Tikhonov, and A. Ilyin, “CONSTRUCTION OF PISTON OUTER PROFILE FOR ROTARY TYPE EXPANSION MACHINE”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 257–260, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.17770/etr2019vol3.4059.